- Added Portocath as a Page 8 medication route, maps to "Other" for NEMSIS v3.3.4.
- Changed a number of Protocols in the system to V3.4 values, mapped to "Other" for NEMSIS v3.3.4. No visual change to users, values remain available for import.
- Cardiac Arrest-Determination of Death / Withholding Resuscitative Efforts,
- Injury-Conducted Electrical Weapon (e.g., Taser),
- Injury-Facial Trauma,Injury-General Trauma Management
- Injury-Lightning/Lightning Strike,
- Injury-SCUBA Injury/Accidents,
- Injury-Topical Chemical Burn,
- Medical-Beta Blocker Poisoning/Overdose,
- Medical-Calcium Channel Blocker Poisoning/Overdose,
- Medical-Opioid Poisoning/Overdose,
- Medical-Respiratory Distress-Bronchiolitis,
- Medical-Respiratory Distress-Croup,
- Medical-Stimulant Poisoning/Overdose
- Added 3 Demographic Facility Types: Rehab, Mental Health, Dialysis Center
- Added storage for CAD System to transmit "Unit Dispatch Record ID"
- Configuration switch to use Patient Condition At Destination (v2/v3.3.4) which includes Improved, Worse, Unchanged or Final Patient Acuity which includes Critical, Emergent, Lower
- New Hospital Unit - Outpatient Surgery to distinguish between Outpatient Center which is the same as Outpatient Bed
- Added State of Emotional Distress to Barriers to Care. Maps to "Uncooperative" in NEMSIS v3.3.4 and Not Reporting in V2.
- Added Unresponsive to allowed Pertinent Negatives for Allergies. Maps to Unable to Complete for NEMSIS v3.3.4
- Added 4 Medication Routes for Patient, Prior, and Page 8 medications
- Micrograms per Kilogram (mcg/kg)
- International Units ( we already had the v3.4 "Units" and had made U and IU equivalent Therefore, instead we added the v3.3.4 "IU" to keep everything in sync)
- Units per Kilo per Hours (units/kg/hr)
- Units per Kilo (units/kg)
- Added X12 Payer Type to Payors code table at service level
- Added Insurance Group Name to Patient Page Billing section, clarified Group (Number) (*needs to be added to printing*)
- Split Procedure Complications of Itching & Urticaria
- Added Page Stroke/CVA Symptoms Resolved
- Last Baseline Seen time on Page 3 available for all charts (previously only those utilizing pertinent negatives)
- Additional Risk Factors were added for importing / mapping via Command Facility.
- Drug/Alcohol field was removed except for charts which recorded that value. Indicators was renamed to Drug/Alcohol Indicators (non-NEMSIS enhancement)
- Frequency of Patient Medications was added (non-NEMSIS enhancement)
- Exam Updates
- Hid Gunshot Entry/Exit, used simple Gunshot Wound for a number of values
Coming in June
- Hospitals can now have multiple NPI numbers and Phone Numbers.