| | |
EMC-6086 | 'Crew 1 role multiple:' Is one of: Must be first. | Fixed a bug where crew rules (multiple) validation rules were not honored or satisfied appropriately. |
EMC-6164 | Custom Reporting FTP Failure Support Ticket | Updated Gold with the change from Legacy. Added more detail to error message displayed when reports fail. Now shows the reason for the failure. |
EMC-6169 | Service Configuration- MobileQAB- Onchange Event Not Updating Dynamically | Fixed Mobile/Gold Quick Action Buttons in Code Tables. The "Procedure" dropdown's options will now change dynamically depending on what option was chosen for "Category". |
EMC-5210 | Gold: Patient Page - Toolbar Links Do Not Scroll to the Appropriate Sections | Fixed scroll bug on patient page. |
EMC-6147 | Gold: Hidden Certifications (Hotfixed in Legacy) | If commands facilities hide a certification it will no longer show up as an option on certifications under the human resources section when assigning to a user. Command Facilities default certifications only. |
EMC-5894 | Patient Follow Up Bug | The Ohio Trauma Triage option was fixed in the Patient Followup page. The CSS, functionality, and queries were fixed in order for this option to work in Gold. Also to make the UI more user-friendly, the placement of the "Save" and "Save and Close" buttons were changed. |
EMC-6258 | Patient Page: Patient Info Cont'd - Adding Physician Error Due To Phone Number | Fixed a bug that asked for a phone number in the Physicians Window on the patient. This will no longer appear. |
EMC-5663 | Patient Add from Patient Management - Race/Phone | Fixed the Patient Details form in Patient Management so that Race and Phone input fields display, function, and save correctly. Also, fixed Race and Phone for the Patient page in charts. |
EMC-6001 | Gold: Update hospital state ID if it already exists instead of insert | Updated /sec/hospinfo_statereq.cfm in Gold with Legacy code. |
EMC-5670 | Gold: Patient Page - Relatives Not saving | Fixed bug that prevented relatives from carrying over from existing patients. |
EMC-5995 | Gold: Custom Forms: Escape Pound Sign | Fixed bug that caused an error if a custom form has a pound sign/Hash tag (#) |
EMC-5810 | Gold: System Global Reports formatting | Fixed display and Run-time errors for Global Reports. |
EMC-5179 | Gold: P5 Secondary Survey - Values Entered into Findings Textbox Do Not Trigger Shading or Persist | Fixed bug that reloaded the page multiple times. Also fixed bug that preventing the location from highlighting when findings were entered |
EMC-6039 | Service Configuration - Mobile/Gold QAB - When clicking on a Quick Action button to edit it, it closes the window and nothing happens | Fixed Mobile/Gold Quick Action Buttons code table in Gold so now all of the links and buttons function correctly. Also, fixed the dialog modal so that it not longer cuts off and allows scrolling. |
EMC-6137 | Gold: Geocoding additional compliance | Added user prompt if Referring or Receiving change. Fixed geocoding when entering cross-streets and addresses. |
EMC-6008 | Legacy / Gold: Allow deletion of national registry/user licensure | Added functionality to allow blank entries for National Registry. |
EMC-5899 | Page 7: Time fields: If numeric add ":" | Page 7 Medications / Infusions time are now auto formatted to hh:mm if the value is numeric. |
EMC-5968 | Gold: P5 Secondary Survey - Buttons Function Intermittently | Fixed a number of display bugs including appropriately showing the green shade when an assessment is complete. |
EMC-5939 | Gold: Special Reports - Search Form - Missing Fields | Fixed Special Report's datetimepicker, date search functionality, page layout, and the datatable popup error. |
EMC-5890 | Add new Journal entry to calendar in homepage not working | Fixed the ability to add a new entry to journals. |
EMC-6092 | Homepage Journal File upload IE and Firefox CSS | Fixed a small issue with the display of the 'Upload Attachment' field on the 'Add Event' window of the home page journal. |
EMC-6204 | Gold: Level of Service - Add additional criteria to cardiac monitor to increase LOS | Updated the billing process to include additional checks for Cardiac Monitor to determine ALS or BLS Billing. |
EMC-6353 | Gold: Homepage: Go To Current Version 404 Error | Fixed file not found error from home screen when clicking "Go to Current Version". |
EMC-6051 | Error in /dba/user_details.cfm | Fixed error in User Details popup window. |
EMC-5940 | P5: No Anatomical - Only Displays Back and Extremities | Fixed display issues with NEMSIS v2 Page 5 Exam/Assessment. |
EMC-6053 | Update Header / Sidebar for Training Module | Updated the training section with the new header. |
EMC-5965 | Gold: P5 Secondary Survey - Reset Button Does Not Clear Tree | Fixed bug that prevented the "reset" button on page 5 to work fully due to findings entered for assessments. |
EMC-5941 | Gold: P5 - Burns - Error Code Loop | Fixed bug that caused an endless loop on a validation alert. It was converted to red text. |
EMC-5719 | Data Validation: Not Working For Patient Gender | Data Validation overhaul has fixed the "is one of" bug. |
EMC-6257 | P9: Reason For Transport Form - Subsequent Access Results in Error | Fixed bug that caused an error when deleting Reason for Transport on Page 9. |
EMC-6256 | P8: Vitals Modal - EKG Rhythm - Selections Are Duplicated | Fixed duplication of picklist options for the "Rhythm" picklist in the "Add Vitals" modal window. |
EMC-6021 | P1: Receiving - The button to add a physician does not work | Receiving "Add MD" fixed. Users are able to add new doctors to the MD drop-down list and select the newly created options for use in new charts and existing charts. Updated to allow for blank save of Receiving MD. Fixed bugs: typing in MD with select 2 search not allowing for save. |
EMC-5937 | Gold: Remove references to Biscom in codebase Part II | Updated Fax labels/descriptions in the User Interface for Gold. |
EMC-5756 | P1: Referring Hospital - MCD Does Not Populate | Fixed MCD codes not populating. |
EMC-5235 | P2: Other Public Safety and Exposure Breadcrumb Links Not Targeted | Fixed Page 2 Breadcrumb links and widget layout. |
EMC-5905 | P8: Procedures - Require Crew | Fixed bug that allows vitals to save without a crew selected. |
EMC-6006 | Gold: Cover page problem | Fixed issue with coverpage not being faxed. |
EMC-6030 | P2: Impressions - Save button not visible (Using MS Edge Browser) | Fixed the advmultipicklist input field's "Save", "Clear", and "Close" buttons. Now they display correctly on the modal footer instead of at the very top and bottom of the modal body. |
EMC-5685 | Gold: P9 - Sec Sys Admin - 'Verify/Reverse NEMSIS Codes' button file not found error | Fixed missing Page 9 NEMSIS Reverse Code Functionality. |
EMC-6054 | Gold: P5- Unresponsive Assessment Tree | Fixed bug that prevented tree shading on Page 5 in Firefox. |
EMC-5907 | Support Software Download UI | Updated header and side menu for pages in Support module. |
EMC-5908 | Adding new user | Fixed UI issue with User Search popup. |
EMC-6025 | Patient Page: Phone - Error | Fixed Gold to allow users to save phone numbers when adding a new patient in Patient. |
EMC-6391 | Training Documentation Not Downloading | Fixed broken downloads in training documentation section |
EMC-6313 | Gold: QA Level Filter Rules - "and/or" Ordering Correction | Added ability to create a custom grouping statement (similar to custom reports) for QA Auto Advance Filters. Please reference this link for complete instructions on configuring and using this feature: QA Levels - Grouping Statement (https://emscharts.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EgCOK) |
EMC-6244 | Performance Improvements - Add Vitals Modal | Made some performance improvements to Page 8 and the "Add Vitals" modal window. |
EMC-6203 | Home Page: Crew Roster - Unable to Edit | Updated warning for tracking next crew member. Date/Time control is now functional. |
EMC-6398 | Gold - Special Reports - Crew Unable to Complete Report | Fixed error that prevented the saving of special reports. Also addresses special report layout issues for non-software administrators |