iOS/Android 2.5 Release Notes (September 9, 2019)

iOS/Android 2.5 Release Notes (September 9, 2019)

Software Version 2.5.0

September 9, 2019

Tablet Software Download

Software Download

Download now through our Support Downloads page, the App Store and Google Play.


All devices in the command/service MUST be updated to at least 2.5.0

If the devices cannot be updated at the same time, all users MUST log out completely when switching between devices for any reason other than a loss of device power. Failure to do so will produce database sync errors, resulting in potential data loss on devices lower than 2.1.9, and freezing login attempts on devices greater than 2.5.0


emsCharts Tablet requires a minimum of 2GB of RAM.

RAM is not the same as storage space. It is easy to confuse the two because both values are presented in Gigabytes (GB). In modern tablets, it is highly unlikely to have more than single digit numbers for RAM.

App Store and Google Play

If you are running Tablet v1.6.8 or later, downloaded from the App Store or Google Play, the application will update automatically.

New in This Release

KeySummaryRelease Notes
TAB-740New Logo - Tablet - Replace LogoWe have updated the emsCharts logos in the tablet application to a new logo that also reflects the ZOLL name.

Improved in This Release

KeySummaryRelease Notes
TAB-724Tablet - Determine why signatures come over as broken linksFixed an issue where patient signatures would occasionally fail to attach to an uploaded chart, resulting in the need for customer support intervention to reattach the image to the chart. Previously, this gave the impression that signatures were lost, when in fact they were simply orphaned from their respective charts.
TAB-747Tablet - When importing patient, not all Pt Medical History is visibleFixed an issue where some or all of the patient PMHX values would not be visible. This issue had several causes, but chief among them was the result of a mismatch between ICD9 and ICD10 codes for certain PMHX values.
TAB-715Tablet - On Android, app becomes unresponsiveFixed a rare issue on Android devices where the app would sometimes become unresponsive.
TAB-748Tablet - ETCO2 textbox is displaying based on wrong data pointThe ETCO2 box will now always be visible, regardless of settings. This decision was made due to the likely chance that BLS crews will soon require this field as a documentation data point (if not already utilized).
TAB-732Tablet - Activity Log Action Ventilator 'Breath' spelling errorIn the Ventilator procedure, the word "Breath" was spelled incorrectly.
TAB-126Tablet - Mechanism field not presentThe Injury Details card was missing the "Mechanism" field. The field has since been added so that the documentation is more similar to the documentation performed on the web.
TAB-749Upload Failing Due to GCS1 ColumnFixed an issue where unexpected values in the GCS1 column could result in a failure of the tablet chart upload process.
TAB-778Tablet - Chart Upload IssueFixed an issue where charts entered on tablets would occasionally fail to upload.

Known Issues

  • Issue with NJ Drivers License import dropping the hyphen between the first 5 and last 4 digits.  Throws NEMSIS error.

App Store Instructions

App Store Instructions 

Welcome to the App Stores! Please follow these steps to confirm a smooth transition over to the app store for app downloads.

a)    Please ensure each iOS and Android device has a registered device ID.

b)    Upload any incomplete charts and delete the application (failure to delete previous app will result in two app's being installed)

c)    Navigate to the app store and search for KEYWORD emsCharts

d)    Install the latest emsCharts Tablet Application 





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