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emsCharts Tablet Release Notes

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Imporant Information

 Due to the fixes applied in this latest build, we are requesting all users to perform a "DELETE ALL PATIENT CHARTS". This button can be located within the tablet support section in the bottom right corner. Please upload any incomplete charts before performing this action and this should also be done regardless of charts exist on the device.

Software Version 1.6.3

Software Download

Download our latest emsCharts Tablet Software through our Support Downloads page

Bug Reporting

For issues not mentioned in the Known Issues section, please file a bug report through a emsCharts Support Ticket

(Click Here To Open Support Ticket) To get more information about emsCharts Tablet, please visit below for our emsCharts Tablet Quick Start Guide

Latest Enhancements

Driver's license bar code scanning is now complete, please review the Patient Information page for details. We are expecting to move our application to the Google Play Store and iTunes App Store over the next several weeks, please watch out for important announcements. Please ensure each iOS device has an Apple ID and is able to download apps from the iTunes App Store, this will prevent issues when our roll out occurs

Important Build Information

Software Version 1.6.3 is the latest mandatory update that will need to be applied. You do not need to uninstall any previous versions prior to download and installing this build.* The most recent release contains significant updates and bug fixes. Due to the fixes applied, we request all users to perform a DELETE ALL PATIENT CHARTS prior to using this latest build. Please have your crews upload any incomplete charts before performing this action.  This does not need to be completed prior to deployment, but is recommended to be addressed by each user upon their next login to Tablet.

If you are experiencing any difficulties with updating your device, please contact our Support Department for assistance.

*Using emsCharts Tablet v146 or higher, this build does not require uninstall. All other builds require complete uninstall

Fixed in This Release

1. Page layout and color scheme fixes

2. Tablet Screen Scrolling

3. Crew Member Certification uploads

4. Crew Member User Roles fixes

5. Page 8 Procedure fixes

6. Standard Section #2 – Authorized Representative uploads correctly

7. Custom Forms and PDF Forms now have a standardized filename

8. Neonatal Field sizes fixed

9. Custom Vitals – Page 8 fixes

10. Tablet Orientation Layout fixes

11. Patient Information, State Zip code no longer disappear after being populated

12. Factors Affecting Care updates

13. Network Issues Resolved (includes losing connectivity from Wi-Fi/Cellular)

14. Onscreen Audits now appear in the Support Tab

Known Issues

1. Barcode Scanner, select states restrict data from being read from the barcode itself, Example: New Jersey may not provide first name scanned output.

Workaround: None

2. Barcode Scanner, select states do not follow the America Association of Motor Vehicle Administration (AAMVA) data parsing standards. This result, causes some

first and last names to appear in the last name data point after scanned.

Workaround: Please contact emsCharts support to report issue

3. Set Max Patients Service Config Setting

Workaround: None

4. Select data points do not upload: Page 1 Referring State, State, Zip Code, County

Workaround: Report findings to emsCharts Support team

5. Error Shown “Full Upload Failed for ChartID, Patient Record #1 Does not Exist

Workaround: This is not a common error, but has been seen. Please report issue to emsCharts Support. General Fixes include closing down the application and

forcing the application to resync with the Cloud. Typically occurs when there is a network change. Please obtain screenshot

6. Error Shown “Full Upload Failed for ChartID, Problem with local upload. The given key was not present in the dictionary. Tablet: pt_pmhx

Workaround: This is not a common error, but has been seen. Please report error to emsCharts Support. Please obtain screenshot

Don't forget to download our latest version of release notes and Quick Start Guide below

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