emsCharts Gold Release Notes - v5.1.32 - August 28, 2018

emsCharts Gold Release Notes - v5.1.32 - August 28, 2018

emsCharts v5.1.32(Sprint # 31/32)  

August 28, 2018

Table of Contents

New in This Release

New Feature Highlight: Page 8 Procedures

Page 8 has received enhancements to the look, feel, and function of the page.  We've employed the use of standard placement of buttons across the header bar, as well as iconography on the "Actions and Procedures" tab; all which allow responsiveness and easy scalability across a variety of screen sizes.

Add Vitals Button

By clicking the "Add Vitals" button from either the header bar menu or P8: Activity Log, you access the "Vitals, Actions and Procedures" window.

Add Vitals Button

Vitals, Actions and Procedures: Vital Signs Tab

The Vital Signs Tab of page 8 allows for the documentation of a patient's vital signs over the duration of a trip. Pain Scales and Pain Quality are included in this tab. 

Vital Signs Tab

Vitals, Actions and Procedures: Extended Vitals Tab

The extended vital signs tab allows for more in depth documentation of a patient's vital signs and appearance. 

Vitals, Actions and Procedures: Actions and Procedures Tab

The Actions/Procedures tab allows the user to record all procedures performed on a patient as well as complications from these procedures including procedure and medication-related pertinent negatives. 

Click on the thumbnail images below to view each of the Log pages for Actions and Procedures

Medication Log

Titrate Log

Intubation Log

Airway/Oxygen Log

Vascular Access Log

Cardiac Log

Immobilization Log

Medical Consult Log

Labs Log

Drains Log

Ventilator Log

Extrication Log

Rescue Log

Childbirth/OB Log

Wound Care Log

Critical Care Log

Blood Products Administration

Hospital Notify Log

Operations Log

PN Procedure

PN Medication

Preview of Activity Log

New Feature Highlight: Calculate Geocoding Mileage

In both Gold and Legacy emsCharts, we've added the ability to calculate distance via the Google API when selecting a referring and receiving geocoded hospital.

Now, users in both Legacy emsCharts and Gold, whose services subscribe to the Geocoding module, can Calculate mileage and enter it directly into the Mileage section of Page 1.

"...providers and suppliers are responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary equipment to measure fractional mileage to the tenth of a mile, and ensuring that onboard vehicle gauges measuring trip mileage are in working order... Tools that may be used to measure trip mileage include, but are not limited to: Digital or analog odometers, trip odometers, GPS navigation, onboard trip computers or navigation systems." - Fed. Reg. 228 at p. 73480

Clicking on the "Calculate GEOcoding Mileage" button invokes the option to select Fastest Route or Shortest Route via Google Maps.

If you click on the "Route" link, it displays the mapped route via Google Maps.

Mapped Route shown via Google Maps

Clicking "Select" (left image) enters the mileage into the "Loaded" miles field

New Features

The following features have been added in this release:

KeySummaryRelease Notes
EMC-5560Non-PCR SidebarApplied new Header and Sidebar enhancements to HL7 pages.
EMC-5527Patient Page - Prior Authorization Payor - Convert To Pick ListThe "Prior Authorization Payer:" on the patient page is now a select box and no longer a free text field. 
EMC-5526Patient Page - Insurance Priority - Needs To Be DisplayedAdded 'Priority' column under the insurance information to the user interface.
EMC-4975Custom Reporting - Add Pertinent NegativesAdded Pertinent Negatives to the Custom Reporting module as a Category.
EMC-4894(GOLD) Change Layout for calculating mileage returned from Google routingAdded the ability to calculate distance via Google API when selecting a referring and receiving geocoded hospital.

Improved in This Release

The following issues have been addressed and resolved in this release:

KeySummaryRelease Notes
EMC-5592(Gold) Geocode - Actual Odometer Recordings Always Determines Loaded MileageCalculation from actual odometer readings will always determine the Loaded Mileage, even if post the entering the odometer readings the end user chooses to use the Geocode button.
EMC-5266All Pages - Missing The Defaults ButtonFix to resolve an issue with the "Defaults" button not being displayed on pages 2-5
EMC-5261All Pages - Multi Select Fields - Not ExplicitFixed to resolve an issue with Multi Select fields not being explicit.
EMC-5505Bullet Points Visible in New Duty RosterRemoved bullet points from the list items on new duty roster.
EMC-5291CAD Import - No Import ButtonFixed to resolve an issue with the CAD Import not displaying the "Import" Button in Internet Explorer.
EMC-5722Custom Form Names - Not Outputting On Reports When Source is GoldFixed bug that prevented web signed Custom Signatures from appearing in custom reports
EMC-5720Data Validation - Several Fields Not Having Red OutlineFix bug that prevented the highlight of referring county.
EMC-4888Gold - Blackout Patient Records Search for QAAdded Blackout functionality to block out patient names on the Patient Record Search.
EMC-5402Gold - NEMSIS Custom Elements HotfixFix to resolve the saving of NEMSIS v3 Custom Elements on Page 9 for the State of New York.
EMC-5439Gold - PTA Lab Query BugFixed bug on Page 6 labs, that also showed on Page 8 labs in some instances.
EMC-5441Gold - Regenerate NEMSIS v3 After Chart Attachments AddedAdding/Removing attachments at a latter QA level will regenerate the NEMSIS record if one exists.
EMC-5571Hotfix - HL7 Face SheetFixed 'ER Stay' calculation on HL7 Face Sheet (Gold).
EMC-5523Legacy - Blackout Patient Records Search for QAAdded 'Blackout' functionality to block out patient names on the Patient Record Search.
EMC-4967P1 - Destination Basis Not SavingFixed to resolve the issue of Destination Basis not saving.
EMC-5252P1 - Geo Code - Does Not Display When Uploaded From TabletFixed to resolve an issue when uploading a chart from tablet to web with Geo Coded locations and the Geo Code not displaying in the web version.
EMC-5265P1 - Odometer - Not Passing Custom ValidationsFix to resolve an issue with Odometer fields not passing custom validation rules.
EMC-5288P1 - Referring Location - Zip - Not Passing Custom ValidationFixed to resolve and issue with the Referring Location Zip Not passing Custom Validation Action.
EMC-5251P1 - Referring/Receiving - Not Displaying After SavingFixed to resolve issue with Receiving and Referring Location not Displaying post Save when the Type of Service is set to Interfacility
EMC-5260P2 - Factors Affecting Care - Not Passing Custom ValidationFixed to resolve an issue with Multiselect fields, including P2 Factors Affecting Care not passing custom validation.
EMC-5175P3 - Was Patient Immobilized: - Does Not SaveFixed immobilization bug on page 3.
EMC-5237P5 - Burns - Not Saving Rule of Nines ValueFixed to resolve an issue with the Rule of Nines not saving values.
EMC-5723P9 - Misc Forms - V3 Custome Elements - Not Displaying "Completed-OK"Added a redirect to page 9 when clicking save when editing the "state v3 custom Elements" form.
EMC-5474PCR Search: Fix layoutFixed PCR search page layout for Hospital logins
EMC-5541Patient Page - Common Patient City lookupFixed issue with zip lookup on the patient page.
EMC-5712Patient Page - Patient Information Card - MOLST Field Resizes Post Delete and Re AddFor NY-ML services only, adjusted MOLST field to be full width of the card.
EMC-5713Patient Page - Pertinent Negatives Does Not Exist For PMHx Or MedicationsFixed pertinent negatives on the Patient medical history and current allergies section of the patient page.
EMC-5721Patient Page - Relationship Section - Age Does Not Auto-CalculateFixed bug where entering the patient relationship DOB affected the patient patient age instead of the relationship age
EMC-5250QA - Double Blind - Patient Name in New Header Bar Not Being BlindedFixed to resolve an error when the QA Level is set to Double Blind.
EMC-5486QA Search - Fix UIApplied New Header and Sidebar enhancement to the QA Pages
EMC-5487RD Search: Fix UIUpdated UI for Remote Downloader search page. 
EMC-5139User Roster State License Dates Not SavingFixed dates not saving under user licenses.

Known Issues

The following issues have already been identified and will be addressed in a future release:

  • The New Vitals/Procedure page encounters an issue when opening the Vitals modal in IE only, it Takes longer than normal and  the status window, to let the user know that it is processing, is not being displayed.
  • Not able to Delete Procedures in IE only.

PDF Release Notes




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