2016.11.02 - Global / System Reports

emsCharts has begun the process of adding additional system-level "custom" reports that are available to all services. We are primarily focusing on three subject matters: NEMSIS v3, Critical Care GAMUT and EMS Compass Performance Measures. These are complicated reports that utilize our existing Custom Reports framework. This is a "beta" project but is supported and will frequently be changed as usage evolves.

The reports are found by enabling them in your Service Code Tables and then going to Reports >> Custom Reports. They are uneditable by services, only via emsCharts staff.


The NEMSIS v3 reports provide detail on the web service submission status of the XML submissions to the state.ย 

  • Web Services โ€“ list the Web Service accounts and include who last changed and when and basic information that can be searched on (where the code table cannot)
  • Error Message with PRID โ€“ detail oriented that lists the dataset, PRID and error message for any chart in a date range
  • Warning Messages with PRID โ€“ similar to above, will list all Warnings. WATCH โ€“ most charts include warnings (which is why I didnโ€™t make a warnings+error โ€“ too much info)
  • Submission Grouped by Agency, Data, Month (see below) โ€“ original report for a service to view their submission from a 10k ft view
  • Retrieve Status Detail โ€“ detailed version of Submission Groupedโ€ฆshow statuses of each submission, but not asย  much detail as the list of errors and warnings.
  • NEMSIS Messages by Locking Crew Member โ€“ย is a grouping/count of NEMSIS Warnings/Errors by dataset for that given service grouped by the person locking the chart. Chartโ€™s dispatch date range is the criteria as well.
  • NEMSIS Messages by Service โ€“ย is a grouping/count of NEMSIS Warnings/Errors by dataset for that given service. Chartโ€™s dispatch date range is the criteria.

Critical Care GAMUT

There are 2-3 GAMUT reports which provides complex performance measures for the Air Medical program. More information will be available here as development continues late 2016. These are not written to ePCR specifications and do require some analysis to convert the clinical language into ePCR data points.

For more information on GAMUT, please visit this page.

EMS Compass Performance Measures

An emerging topic, in 2016 EMS Compass has made great progress on releasing a number of performance measures for ePCR vendors to build into their systems. Utilizing NEMSIS v3 as the specification language, EMS Compass reports will be offered in 2017.

For more information on EMS Compass, please visit this page.