Android 2.13 Release Notes (August 27, 2020)

Release Notes Android

August 27, 2020

Get the latest update of ZOLL emsCharts for Android from the Play Store.

New in this release

This release focused on fixing existing issues reported by our users. We did not introduce any new functionality.

Fixed in this release

  • Unable to complete partial upload. Resolved an issue where the application would become unresponsive when a user attempted to partially upload a chart.(TAB-853)

  • Dispatch addresses not populating to chart. Resolved an issue where the referring, receiving, and patient addresses do not populate from the dispatched trip to the chart. (TAB-338)

  • Complete dispatch import prior to opening the chart. Fixed a problem where the chart was opening before all of the dispatch information had been successfully imported into the record, which prevented some of the data from displaying as expected. (TAB-1121)

  • Unable to upload charts due to missing column. Fixed an issue where users were unable to upload charts from the device to the web when they received errors like the โ€œColumn 'dose' does not belong to table pt_medsโ€ error. (TAB-940)

  • Charts are hidden on Patient Records page. Resolved an issue where charts were not displayed on the Patient Records page but would be uploaded when the user selected all charts and clicked the โ€˜Upload and Delete from Deviceโ€™ button. (TAB-356)

  • Filter by Service in Mobile Remote Admin tool. When youโ€™re looking at the charts for your users in the Mobile Remote Admin tool, theyโ€™ll now be filtered based on the service that youโ€™ve got selected.
    **This will be part of the web release on Monday, August 31st.

Known issues

Weโ€™re working on resolving the following known issues:

  • Application hangs when fields contain more than 150 characters. There are a few fields (for example, Chief Complaint, History of Present Illness) that will cause the application to hang or become unresponsive if the user enters more than 150 characters. (TAB-458)

  • Character limits on the odometer field. Currently users can only enter up to 4 digits and 1 decimal place in odometer fields. Weโ€™ll update this to allow up to 6 whole digits and 2 decimal places so that users can capture accurate odometer readings. (TAB-337)

  • GCS values donโ€™t save as expected. When a user enters the GCS values in the Neuro/Airway screen and then saves the chart to the web, the โ€˜Eyeโ€™ values are not retained. (TAB-930)