NEMSIS v3 Demographics Update

NEMSIS v3 Demographics Update

On Monday, April 20th, we will install new & updated fields for the NEMSIS v3 Demographics export. emsCharts expects with in the next two weeks to be actively involved with NEMSIS directly for compliance testing. We are currently updating our system to handle the internal "pre-testing" phase of "Collect Data" compliance.

The Demographics dataset updates should not actively affect daily charting as it is only designed to describe details about the service. As we proceed through testing and post-testing, we will refine the fields to interact more with fields already in the system and provide more functionality based off the fields.

Cilck the following link for information on the /wiki/spaces/XEP/pages/6815829.

This PDF provides instructions including screenshots to navigate to the demographics file section.

We have added check boxes to this documentation to help you print this and track your review of these newer elements

Configuration >> Service

Tabs Change Summary

  • General Tab
    • The Primary Service Type field has added Community Paramedicine/MIH to the selection of values.
  • Chart Tab  <no changes>
  • Export Tab
    • Service Demographic Setup was updated. See below for details.
  • Code Tables.  The following code tables were updated:
    • Equipment
    • User Titles
    • Bases
    • Common Addresses
  • User Roster
    • Service Practice Level(s) was added. They allow noting the date & licensure level of that user with licensure details specific to this service. Normally, user licensure will be noted in the user's own licensure tab per state. However, NEMSIS wanted notation specific to the service, and as such you can populate this detail here, if required by your state. We will update our documentation should specific states require this information. 
    • Other Job Roles was added. This records, from a NEMSIS-defined list other roles the user may have. emsCharts already recorded the primary role (title) and the clinical title of each user. While those last two come from the User Titles Code Table, these values are a standard NEMSIS list.
    • Hire Date was added. We currently already provided the "Payroll Date (as of)" to indicate the last status update date of the user.

Service Demographic Setup

This page was slightly reorganized and updated to account for the numerous new Demographics fields. As such, the NEMSIS v3 updates are in lighter blue.

NEMSIS v2 Optional Elements

  • National Provider Number(s) can now repeat. As such enter your agency's numbers, if applicable, separated by a comma

NEMSIS v3 Required

  • Minimum Level of Service (every call)
  • Tax Status was added
  • EMD Provided was added
  • Service Capabilities was added to record the types of services (Dive, Ski, Air rescue, tactical EMS) provided
  • Patient Monitoring capabilities was added.
  • Statistical Year Reports can now repeat to track previous years. As such, there is now an button to edit the Area Size, Population, and Volume elements. You need at least 1 year of data for the NEMSIS v3 demographics.

Figure 1 - NEMSIS v3 Required

Figure 1- NEMSIS v3 Required

Figure 2 - NEMSIS v3 Required Yearly Reports "Edit Values" Window

NEMSIS v3 Optional

  • Personnel Levels Per Unit was added to record the number of each personnel level assigned to each unit by 911 Response Transport, 911 Response - non Transport, and non-911 Transport.
  • Vehicle (Unit Tail/Vin) Yearly Statistics was added. These are similar fields (miles, hours per year) that appear in the Unit Tail/Vin code table, however these can now be recorded by year. The other fields should be considered deprecated and this should be the location to record those details.
  • EMD Vendors was added. Previously in the Configuration >> Service >> Chart tab, there was an EMD Vendor field that only recorded 1 value. This is the new location to record multiple EMD Vendors
  • Census Tracts Served was added. While this usefulness will later be further defined, this allows an agency to record the census tract numbers (yes they're numbers) if required. Multiples are to be entered seperated by commas.
  • Fire Department ID(s) was added. If you have a Fire Department ID (or multiple if separated by commas), please enter it here.
  • Routinely Bill Patients was added. Simple Yes/No if you routinely (normally) bill patients for services provided.

Code Tables

  • Equipment The only code table added allows the tracking of equipment, namely medical devices, including the manufacturer, serial number, and type/category (multiple).
  • User Titles added two new mapping options: NEMSIS 3 Contact Type for Administrative contacts and NEMSIS 3 Primary Job Role for crew/personnel.
  • Bases - Added USNG, County and Country
  • Common Addresses - Added USNG and NPI

Configuration >> User / My Account

General Tab

  • Additional Emails can be recorded. In the future, emsCharts will be able to utilize in functionality throughout the system, however for now, additional emails can only be recorded for  demographics export purposes and internal/agency viewing. The primary email should remain the email to be used when contacted through emsCharts.
  • Highest Education Level was added.
  • Education Type of Study was added. Multiple selection.
  • Foreign Language ability was added. Multiple selection.
  • Immunizations were added. Ability to record multiple user's immunizations and the year, similar to we do on the patient page.
  • License Types was added. Multiple selection for various classes of vehicle licensing.

 Licensure Tab

  • Expiration Date per state licensure was added. While expiration date was available for the national registry items, for the per-state, NEMSIS v2 only desired the initial (issue) cert date and the current date.
  • Medical Director Degree while only for users who are medical directors, this is per-user information and not per-service, so it is located here. This is obviously option for those to which it does not apply.
  • Medical Director Fellowship Trained - same as above
  • Medical Director Board Certifications - same as above.

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